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Ultimate Biorevitalisation of your skin

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About Skin Booster: Ejal40

Ejal 40 is an injectable preparation used in biorevitalization treatments to restore skin function and improve skin density. The gel helps strengthen sagging skin and eliminate wrinkles. The main ingredient of Ejal 40 is hyaluronic acid (40 mg/ml) with a medium molecular weight, which stimulates the formation of new collagen fibers and elastin, thus providing the skin with the necessary hydration. Thanks to this process, the skin becomes denser and more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed and its colour is even.

How does Ejal40 work? 

The treatment using the EJAL 40 tissue stimulator nourishes the skin, smoothes wrinkles, improves facial contours, moisturises and brightens the skin, and also prevents the appearance of signs of aging.

The number of EJLA40 tissue stimulator treatments that will be needed may vary depending on the patient's skin condition, treatment goals and expected results. A series of treatments is usually recommended to achieve the best results.

Treatment Indications

Who is it for and what result to expect? 

Ejal40 is most often recommended for people aged between 30 and 45. However, this does not mean that Ejal40 cannot be used at a later age. All this depends on the problem and condition of the skin. Main indications for treatment:

  • Preventing signs of aging  

  • Restoration of skin elasticity and turgor 

  • Correction of fine wrinkles and prevention of their appearance 

  • Skin hydration 

  • Preventing photoaging 

  • Correction of acne or chickenpox scars 

  • Improvement of facial contours 

  • Cheek lifting 

  • Restoring the skin's radiance and color 

  • Modeling and rejuvenation of facial skin.

Achieve the best result

What is needed before and after the treatment

On the day, it’s advisable to avoid working out or going to the gym ahead of your appointment as flushed skin can lead to more bruising due to the amount of blood at the skin's surface. You should also not consume any alcohol for at least 24 hours before your appointment to avoid increased bruising and swelling.

Regular treatment sessions are advised for best possible result.

The first effects are noticeable within a few weeks. However, you should wait up to about 2 months for the full final effect. It is recommended to perform a series of 3-4 treatments spaced approximately a month apart. The duration of the treatment in the office is approximately 30 minutes. For comprehensive skin rejuvenation, it is recommended to perform 2-3 treatments at intervals of a month. Then one treatment every quarter. We repeat this pattern every year.  This schedule allows the skin adequate time to regenerate and produce collagen between treatments. After completing the initial series of treatments, some patients may need additional booster treatments to maintain their results. The final number of treatments and their frequency will depend on the individual needs and condition of the patient's skin.

Treatment Price List


Discover the radiance within with EJAL 40 Skin Booster

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